Thursday, December 22, 2011

Introducing the adair skin care blog

Hi, Amber Adair here! Welcome to adair skin care! This blog has been created to share my world of skin care and hair removal! Throughout my work I’ve encountered many inspiring stories, the latest techniques, and before and after glory photos. Who knows what I’ll be blogging about “really’! The nature in itself with my job varies one day to the next because no two people have the same skin or the same personalities! It is the number one reason I choose this field and the fact I get bored easily is not a highlight of my personality. But I’ve made it this far so I’d say I’m a pretty challenged girl in my field eight years later. Still in the game and creating fabulous skin! Toast to the beginning of adair skin care blog! Stay tuned.

Amber Adair


  1. Oh My Gosh! I am SO excited for this blog! You have no idea!

  2. Yay! I will be your biggest blog fan!

  3. Awe Autumn! I enjoy your blog too but we can all agree that Uncle Eric is the biggest fan! Lol
